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So far Stephanie Carter has created 20 blog entries.

February 2021

UBTech Announces the Retirement of Vice President of Instructional Services, Tammy Wilkerson


UBTech Announces the Retirement of Vice President of Instructional Services, Tammy Wilkerson Uintah Basin Technical College President Aaron K. Weight announces the retirement of UBTech Vice President of Instructional Services, Tammy Wilkerson. “This is a difficult announcement to make,” said President Weight. “Tammy’s vision and commitment to UBTech students has been a driving force in UBTech’s success for many years. Her expertise will continue to be needed. In the coming months, she will move to a mentorship role to ensure a seamless transition for the new Vice President of Instructional Services.” Wilkerson started at UBTech in 2013 as the Human Resource Director and Controller, later transitioning to Associate Vice President of Instruction and then to her current role as Vice President of Instructional Services. Uintah Basin Technical [...]

UBTech Announces the Retirement of Vice President of Instructional Services, Tammy Wilkerson2021-02-09T09:06:07-07:00

UBTech and UVU announces articulation transferability for students


UBTech and UVU announces articulation transferability for students By, Stephanie Carter Uintah Basin Technical College (UBTech) and Utah Valley University (UVU) are pleased to announce additional higher education opportunities for UBTech students through course-to-course articulation agreements, which broadens a student’s ability to continue their educational pursuit with a degree granting institution in the State of Utah. Articulation agreements create a seamless pathway from one school to another. UBTech students will be able to transfer agreed upon coursework from UBTech and receive degree granting credit at UVU. Agreements with UVU in place include course-to-course transferability in the areas of Automotive [...]

UBTech and UVU announces articulation transferability for students2021-03-16T09:46:54-06:00

UBTech Receives $1.2 Million


U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $1.2 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance to Boost Commercial Trucking Industry Training Programs at Uintah Basin Technical College in Eastern Utah Written by, John Atwood From Commerce News WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced that the Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $1.2 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant to Uintah Basin Technical College, Roosevelt, Utah, to purchase modern training equipment to expand commercial trucking industry training programs at two regional campuses.  The EDA grant, to be matched with $291,908 in local investment, is expected to create [...]

UBTech Receives $1.2 Million2022-08-18T14:23:02-06:00

December 2020

UBTech Announces First Annual Giving Week to Fund Scholarships


UBTech announces first annual Giving Week to fund scholarships By, Lezlee Whiting In this season of gratitude and thanksgiving, UBTech is excited to provide an opportunity for everyone to participate in the first annual UBTech Giving Week to raise money for student scholarships. “We live in the most giving of all communities,” said UBTech President, Aaron K. Weight. “We are grateful for your desire to bless the lives of others. The benefits of investing in the future of tomorrow, through the gift of an education today, are immeasurable.” This year’s Giving Week will be held Monday through Saturday, December 7 [...]

UBTech Announces First Annual Giving Week to Fund Scholarships2020-12-04T14:13:12-07:00

November 2020

Valirie Serawop Named Student of the Year 2020-2021


Valirie Serawop Named UBTech Student of the Year By, Stephanie Carter Uintah Basin Technical College is pleased to announce their 2020-2021 Student of the Year. Twelve excellent UBTech Students vied for this honor. After a challenging selection process, Valirie Serawop was selected for this distinguished title. Laci Day, Student of the Year 2019-2020, provided insight and advice to Serawop. “Take advantage of every opportunity; say yes often, you never know what doors will open.” Day says the previous Student of the Year passed that valuable advice on to her, so she wanted to do the same to help guide [...]

Valirie Serawop Named Student of the Year 2020-20212020-11-20T17:46:28-07:00

At UBTech inclusion makes a world of difference for students with different learning styles


At UBTech inclusion makes a world of difference for students with different learning styles  By, Lezlee Whiting Brady Hales’ journey to earn his Culinary Arts certificate may not have started out ideally. There were certainly bumps along the way, yet each was a testament to how inclusion made a tremendous difference in his education while a student at Uintah Basin Technical College. Brady was fresh out of high school in 2015 when he enrolled in the UBTech Culinary Arts program the first time. Slightly older than a typical high school graduate, throughout his life Brady has dealt with an undiagnosed learning challenge. Brady Hales graduated in September from UBTech’s Culinary Arts [...]

At UBTech inclusion makes a world of difference for students with different learning styles2020-11-05T12:27:05-07:00

October 2020

UBTech enrollment posts growth, despite COVID-19


UBTech enrollment posts growth, despite COVID-19    By Lezlee Whiting   Student enrollment numbers and membership hours at Uintah Basin Technical College experienced growth during the month of July when compared with last year, despite upheaval due to COVID-19 restrictions and concerns.    “I am excited about what the future is going to bring,” said UBTech Vice President of Instruction Tammy Wilkerson. “We know that COVID is going to create some challenges, but we will move forward with whatever the challenges are.”     Student enrollment in UBTech’s programs rose by 37 percent from the previous year, with 172 students enrolled in July.    Student membership hours, or classroom time, jumped [...]

UBTech enrollment posts growth, despite COVID-192020-10-08T21:15:29-06:00

September 2020

UBTech instructor has tools to literally change lives


UBTech instructor has tools to literally change lives By Lezlee E. Whiting Jeremy Dool keeps his Uintah Basin Technical College Residential Construction certificate displayed on the wall of his office.  He is proud of it and tells people that he “is from UBTech.” He sounds like a typical graduate, until you learn that he earned his certification while serving prison time at the Duchesne County Jail “I made some bad choices, I got in a drunken fight and a guy almost died,” Dool explained. Before prison Dool was a family man, a good member of society. “No drugs, I [...]

UBTech instructor has tools to literally change lives2020-09-02T16:06:45-06:00

August 2020

Les Olson Company partners with UBTech to provide scholarships for IT students


Les Olson Company partners with UBTech to provide scholarships for IT students By Lezlee E. Whiting Students who enroll in one of three IT programs at Uintah Basin Technical College will be the beneficiaries of a new scholarship donated by Les Olson Company. “The Matt Olson Memorial Scholarship will make scholarships available annually,” said Les Olson Company CEO, James Olson. Les Olson Company offers office technology products and managed IT services. The 64-year old family-owned business has offices throughout Utah and Las Vegas. Pictured left to right: James Olson, Les Olson Company CEO; Jim Olson, Les Olson Company [...]

Les Olson Company partners with UBTech to provide scholarships for IT students2020-08-17T19:16:33-06:00

Miller Electric Mfg. Co and AWS Honor Dalton Van With Welding Scholarship for UBTech Students


Miller Electric Mfg. Co and AWS honor Dalton Van with welding scholarship for UBTech students By Stephanie Carter and Lezlee Whiting An accomplished welder who earned both state and national recognition for his work will be remembered through a memorial scholarship at Uintah Basin Technical College. Dalton Van, who graduated in 2019 from UBTech’s welding program, was killed in a one-vehicle rollover near Price on June 13. He was 19. Dalton Van earned both state and national recognition for his work will be remembered through a memorial scholarship at UBTech. Miller Electric stated the donation is “in remembrance [...]

Miller Electric Mfg. Co and AWS Honor Dalton Van With Welding Scholarship for UBTech Students2022-09-15T16:58:14-06:00