Written by Stephanie Carter
Uintah Basin Technical College is pleased to announce a new partnership with Moon Lake Electric Association. Moon Lake Electric is partnering with UBTech in scholarships for non-traditional students to help individuals in the Uintah Basin gain an education.
“Supporting the rising generation in their academic endeavors not only helps individuals and families but will benefit the community as these students enter the workforce,” said Moon Lake Electric Association President and CEO Yankton Johnson. “Many non-traditional students don’t have the opportunity to receive an education and this partnership will help fill that need.”
Moon Lake Electric was organized in 1938 as a rural electric cooperative by Uintah Basin residents and has grown to furnish power to over 19,000 members across Northeastern Utah and Western Colorado.
“Moon Lake Electric has a rich history of community involvement,” said UBTech President, Aaron Weight. “We are pleased they chose to partner with UBTech to expand their reach to help the lives of our students.”
To see if you qualify for the Moon Lake Electric Association scholarship, start the enrollment process today by calling a Student Success Officer at 435.722.6900 or visit www.ubtech.edu
Pictured left to right: Yankton Johnson, President and CEO of Moon Lake Electrician Association; Chelsey Wilkerson, Human Resource Assistant/Member Relations at Moon Lake Electric; Kyla Allred, Chief of Staff at UBTech; Myra Young, Human Resource Coordinator at Moon Lake Electric; Heater Lowry, Chief of Development at UBTech and Aaron Weight, President and CEO of UBTech.