STRATA Receives “Connectivity” Award from UBTech
By, Stephanie Carter
On November 13, STRATA Networks received a “Connectivity” award from Uintah Basin Technical College. This award is given to companies and individuals for their industry connectivity and engagement with students and programs at UBTech.
Bruce Todd, CEO/GM of STRATA and Andy Adamson, Chief Human Resources Officer, attended the UBTech board meeting to accept the award. Earlier this year, STRATA partnered with UBTech in three new IT programs which are: IT Support Technician, Network Technician and Security Technician.
Andy Adamson, Bruce Todd, and Aaron Weight
“Technology and broadband are some of the driving forces in the ways we communicate with each other, conduct business, and lead our daily lives,” STRATA General Manager/CEO Bruce Todd said. “As we watch this evolution & our dependency on technology grows, the need for relevant training & education in the Basin has become essential if we want to continue living in a connected world and prepare students for a technology-driven workforce.”
STRATA has not only been an important partner in the development of new programs at UBTech, but has a long history of serving on occupational advisory committees at the college. Advisory committees meet and review program curriculum to ensure learning competencies are relevant to the needs of our local workforce.
“These new programs will enhance our local economy as students become trained in technology-based careers,” said UBTech President/CEO Aaron Weight. “We are fortunate to live in a community where local employers partner with education for their workforce needs.”