API Donates Scholarship To Aid UBTech Students
Uintah Basin Technical College is pleased to announce a new partnership with the local American Petroleum Institution (API) chapter. The API Uintah Basin Chapter will donate a minimum of $2,500 annually to scholarships which will be available to any student pursuing any program at UBTech.
“Contributing and providing scholarships to UBTech centralizes our donation,” said API Uintah Basin Chapter Chairman Andrew Kraft. “This scholarship provides financial assistance to any aspiring student in the Uintah Basin. Instead of having individual scholarships across the counties, it made sense to go to the source and gift the donation straight to the institution.”
“This is our way of giving back to our community,” Kraft said.
The API has 28 active chapters throughout the United States, comprised of members from the oil and gas industry. The organization promotes a civic-minded industry image and participates actively in community service projects.
The largest fundraising effort area residents are familiar with is the API golf tournament. The funds raised from API Uintah Basin events are given back to Uintah Basin residents and organizations, “the money stays local,” said Kraft. This year they will be celebrating their 47th golf tournament.
Brandon Jaramillo, a member of the local API chapter, said over the past three years the API donated nearly $75,000. The funds went to aid the annual holiday Shop with a Cop event, House of Hope, Active Re-entry, and individuals needing assistance due to cancer and major illness. These are just a few of the causes that have benefited from the fundraising efforts.
According to Jaramillo, the fund-raising efforts also helped with multiple high school extracurricular activities and go to buy the blank rounds for the American Legion for their 21-gun salute at funerals with military honors.
API members and the local chapter board are excited about the partnership.
“API has a rich history of community involvement,” said UBTech President Aaron Weight. “We are thankful they chose to partner with UBTech to change the lives of families in our community.”
To apply for the API scholarship, start the enrollment process today by calling a Student Success Officer at 435.722.6900 or visit www.ubtech.edu