Mark Dockins Named New Vice President of Instructional Services at UBTech
After the conclusion of a nationwide search with over 50 qualified applicants from throughout the United States, Mark Dockins has been named Vice President of Instructional Services at Uintah Basin Technical College (UBTech) effective January 1, 2022.
  Dockins is currently serving as the Vice President of Development at UBTech. Before UBTech, he served as the superintendent of schools for Uintah County School District, making the switch to higher education in 2019 to continue his career in education. Â
  “It’s been a wonderful experience to be part of the UBTech team,” said Dockins. “UBTech’s focus on improving the lives of students and their entire family through education is exciting and meaningful.” Â
  This position was posted when current UBTech Vice President of Instructional Services, Tammy Wilkerson, announced her retirement in early 2021. Â
  “Technical education positively impacted my life when I was young, and I love being part of this system to improve the lives of those in our community. UBTech is a beacon of hope for many. We serve students in their efforts to find their way, to increased opportunities in their employment,” Dockins shared. Â
  Dockins earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Language Arts and English Language Learning and a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Nebraska, an Administrative Certificate through Utah State University, and his Ed.D in Educational Leadership from the University of Wyoming. Â
  “On July 1, Mark will begin transitioning within UBTech as part of the instructional services leadership team, under the mentorship of the current Vice President of Instructional Services, Tammy Wilkerson,” said UBTech President Aaron K. Weight. “Mark will officially transition into the vice president’s position January 1, 2022, as Tammy Wilkerson then moves into an instructional leadership supportive role throughout the remainder of her career.” Â
  “I’m confident VP Dockins will lead the UBTech instructional team in alignment with President Weight’s and the Board of Trustees’ vision, meeting the future goals of the Utah System of Higher Education,” says Wilkerson. “I have great respect and admiration for the qualities Mark will bring to UBTech’s instructional leadership team.”